Put up my climbing schedule, now need to figure out how to fit it into my running schedule (and yes, there's also that work thing I need to do 40hrs/week)
This is just for my own information, to have access from everywhere (e.g. from gym).
Day 1: Campus + core
Little climbing day
· Ladder
· 1-2-3-1-2-3-…
· 1-3-1-3
· 1-2-3-1-2-3-…
· 1-3-1-3
· Pinches workout – move up 4 pinches 3 times, repeat 5 times
Legs up 90% x 30
Push ups 3 x 15
Lower back weighted pull ups 15 x 3 –weight TBD
Full ABS workout
Day 2: Power + core:
Full climbing day
3x (5xOne arm pulls ups on rings – each arm)
3x (10 x Move from one shoulder to another on
3x (Rings down – move ahead x 15)
Weighted pull ups - start with (20lbs x 3) x 5
3x (15 x Разводы гантель в стороны лежа max weight)
3x (Legs up 180% x 10)
Plank on a ball legs up 3x 1min
· Front levers 5x 3
· Front levers 5x 3
Full ABS workout
Day 3: Power
Endurance + core:
Moderate climbing day
Power Endurance
Climb V3 x 4 times preferably overhanging
no rest, take 3 min rest, climb another V3 4 times, repeat two more
times with other V3s
Legs to the sides 10 x
· 3x (Plank on rings one arm up, then another x 16)
· 3x (Plank on rings one arm up, then another x 16)
Full ABS workout
Day 4: Fingers + core:
Moderate climbing day
10x (3x (10 sec crimp + 10 sec rest) + 3min
(3 x Frenchies on slopers + 3min rest ) x 5
· Uneven pull ups
Dead hang on different types of holds – 10 sec x
3 each?
3x (15xTRX legs to chest)
3x (20x TRX legs to the the side)
Full ABS workout