Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Simple campusboarding for beginner

Introducing campus boarding

Warm up bouldering and campusing on big rung with feet on the floor.

1. Start on 1.
2. Always finish matching, except for bumping.
3. Repeat each exercise with alternative leading hand.
4. Rest 30sec-2min between switching leading hands, and rest 2-5 minutes between leading pairs.

1. Simple ladder x 3 
2. 1-3-x x 6 - test on 10/31: x=6 was not possible
3. Max & match x3 both hands - test on 10/31: 2 goes ok, 3rd fail
4. Up and down (1 or 2) x 3 both hands x 3 - test on 10/31: 1 easy
5. Jump stick x 3 both hands (1-4) - test on 10/31: middle edge feet on rung, ok
6. Bumping (no need to match): 1-2,3,4
7. Bumping (no need to match): 1-3,4,3,4

Sunday, September 10, 2017


3 x dhang MaxWt 18mm x 10"(3):3' - 3x 10 sec deadhangs with max weight on 18mm edge with 3min rests in between, 3 sec margin

3 x dhang MinEd x 10"(2):3'

Intermittent Dhangs (follow app program)

4x4 Intervals: 

A 4x4 consists of 4 sets of 4 boulder problems. You’ll do 4 problems back to back, with no rest between, and then rest for 2 minutes. At 2 minutes, you will begin the next set of 4 problems (which are the same 4 problems you used for your first set, in the same order.) Repeat this until you have done 4 sets (so 16 total boulder problems).
It may take some time to figure out the best 4x4 for you. Aim for problems that are “hard warm-ups” as a good starting point. Also, on your first session or two, it should look something like this: 1st Set: Complete. 2nd Set: Complete. 3rd Set: Failed on 2-3 problems. 4th Set: Total failure.